‘one nation under stress’ premieres on HBO March 25th, 2019


March 22, 2019

"Revealing. Frightening. Maddening  [...] a beautiful work of journalistic cinema.” - Bill Moyers


"With its mix of scientific rigor and powerful, flesh-and-blood storytelling, it’s one of those rare shows with the potential to change your life." - Arianna Huffington

"In an eye-opening new film, Dr Sanjay Gupta explores the link between stress and the continuing fall in US life expectancy." - The Guardian

"File this under required viewing for anyone wanting to know more about what modern society is doing to our collective health."  - /Film

"One Nation Under Stress is thoughtful, provocative and a deep look at the causes of stress and its destructive consequences."  - Newsday

“CNN Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta goes digging for answers in One Nation Under Stress, his gripping new HBO documentary.”  - Extra

“Throughout the documentary, Gupta displays an incredible level of empathy and concisely communicates complex medical concepts.” - The Daily Trojan

“It’s a must see doc dealing with an issue that affects all of us.” - The Interrobang  Top Picks - The New York Times and The Seattle Times